Rob Davidson

Expanding Open Data Horizons with R and RStudio

발표 내용

For the full promise of open data to be realized, the data must be transformed into opportunity and value. Unless open data initiatives result in lasting, tangible benefits for both the public and private sectors, the sustainability of the entire open data movement falls into question. Comprehensive data analytic tools like R can be the solution to this challenge. In this session we will use RStudio to follow the entire lifecycle of an open data analytics project. From importing the data to communicating a compelling story through data visualization, hear how common open data challenges can be overcome by leveraging the power of R and RStudio.

연사 소개

Rob is a passionate open data advocate, promoting the use of open data for social good and business creation. Rob recently founded the Open Data Institute Ottawa Node to help crystalize the open data movement in Ottawa. He regularly uses R and RStudio in his professional life, volunteer work with Data for Good Ottawa and for fun at the Open Data Ottawa Bookclub. At the Canadian Open Data Summit 2016 he presented a lightning talk on the “Rise of the Citizen Data Scientist”. Rob is a seasoned technology executive and is the Principal Consultant and Founder of Veracify, a data strategy and storytelling company. Rob has a BSc. in Data Analysis from the University of New Brunswick and an MBA from the University of Western Ontario.

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